

LA Magazine just recognized Dr. John Diaz as one of the best plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. He has also published a book entitled Comprehensive Guide to Breast Augmentation.


Compare the Los Angeles plastic surgeons you considering by these stats:

  1. Board Certification: Is the surgeon board certified?
  2. Allergan Diamond Status: Has the Los Angeles plastic surgeon received the Allergan Diamond Award, for having the highest degree of expertise in Allergan Anti-Aging products?
  3. Credentials and Experience: Research the surgeon’s credentials, education, and experience. How long has the surgeon been practicing and how many surgeries have they completed for the specific procedure you want.
  4. Reviews and Testimonials: Read patient reviews and testimonials. The top 3 review sites for plastic surgeons are Google, Yelp, and RealSelf.
  5. Vectra 3D Imaging: Does the surgeon use 3D imaging to let you see what you will look like, before choosing them as your surgeon? This system also allows the surgeon to better prepare for surgery and provide the best results for you.
  6. Before-and-After Photos: Do you like the plastic surgeon’s previous Before & After Plastic Surgery results?
  7. Consultations: Schedule consultations with multiple surgeons to make sure you pick the best surgeon for you.
  8. Referrals: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or your primary care physician. 
  9. General Online Research
  10. Professional Organizations: Check if the surgeon is a member of professional organizations such as the Los Angeles Society of Plastic Surgeons.

In the United States, Los Angeles is often considered the city with the best plastic surgeons. Renowned for its association with the entertainment industry and the high demand for aesthetic enhancements, Los Angeles attracts numerous skilled and experienced plastic surgeons. The city offers a diverse range of procedures to cater to the varied preferences of its clientele. In addition to the wide array of plastic surgery practices, Los Angeles boasts state-of-the-art medical facilities, contributing to its reputation as a hub for cosmetic procedures. Beverly Hills, a neighborhood within Los Angeles, is particularly famous for hosting prestigious plastic surgery practices, drawing in clients seeking a blend of luxury and expertise. When considering plastic surgery in Los Angeles, individuals can expect access to a highly competitive and dynamic landscape of experienced surgeons and cutting-edge facilities.

It’s challenging to definitively determine the “most famous” plastic surgeon in Hollywood, as the field is highly competitive and opinions on fame can vary. However, some plastic surgeons in Hollywood have gained recognition for their work with celebrities and high-profile clients. Surgeons that have appeared on television shows like “Botched,” are examples of plastic surgeons who have achieved a level of fame in the entertainment industry. It’s important to note that fame doesn’t necessarily correlate with skill or reputation, and individuals seeking plastic surgery should thoroughly research and choose a surgeon based on qualifications, experience, and patient reviews.

Breast Augmentation, Rhinoplasty, Eyelid Surgery, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty), and Facelift are plastic surgery procedures known for high patient satisfaction rates. When performed by skilled and qualified surgeons, these procedures can meet or exceed your expectations:

  1. Breast Augmentation: Women often report high satisfaction when breast augmentation achieves their desired breast size and shape.
  2. Rhinoplasty (Nose Job): Patients tend to be satisfied when rhinoplasty successfully addresses both aesthetic concerns and functional issues related to the nose.
  3. Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty): High satisfaction is commonly reported by patients seeking eyelid surgery to improve the appearance of the eyes or address functional concerns.
  4. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): Individuals who have excess abdominal skin or weakened muscles, often after pregnancy or significant weight loss, report high satisfaction with tummy tuck procedures.
  5. Facelift: Patients undergoing facelift procedures to address signs of aging in the face and neck tend to report high satisfaction when the results appear natural and align with their expectations.

Many celebrities asked their plastic surgeons not to publicize that they had work done, so answers online to this question do not give the full picture in regard to who has worked on the most famous celebrities. Make sure to consider all plastic surgeons, even ones that do not publicize the celebrities they have worked on, because many have, but are not allowed to make it known. Plastic surgeons in regions with a high concentration of celebrities, such as Beverly Hills, have gained a reputation for working with high-profile clients, so if you want to find the best surgeons start there.

The effectiveness of a plastic surgeon is a multifaceted consideration that extends beyond age. Both older and younger plastic surgeons can possess unique strengths and advantages.

Older Plastic Surgeons:

  • Experience: Older surgeons often have a wealth of experience, having encountered a broad spectrum of cases over the years.
  • Refined Skills: Years of practice contribute to refined surgical skills, enabling older surgeons to navigate various complexities with expertise.
  • Deep Understanding: They may have a deep understanding of patient needs and concerns, based on years of interactions and feedback.

Younger Plastic Surgeons:

  • Fresh Perspectives: Younger surgeons may bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to procedures.
  • Technological Proficiency: Familiarity with the latest advancements in technology may be more pronounced among younger surgeons.
  • Modern Techniques: They may have undergone recent training in modern techniques, staying abreast of evolving practices and aesthetic trends.


Dr John Diaz is a perfect mix of both. He has over 20 years of experience, and has constantly stayed up to date on the latest advancements & technologies. His use of 3D Vectra Imaging is one of many updates he has implemented over the years as technology has progressed, to bring you the best options in plastic surgery today.

Best Plastic Surgeon In Los Angeles

One Of The Top 10 Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeons


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